Avengers:Age of Ultron

Avengers:Age of Ultron

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Blue Man

So, Chloe Bennet, the actress portraying Skye in ABC's "Agents of Shield", confirmed that the Blue Man is in fact Kree. However I am ever so slightly inclined to think this may be a way for all involved to misdirect the audience into thinking one thing and then blowing them out of the water with something else.

My leading theory up to this point was that the Blue Man was an Atlantean. So, although there are definitive words saying that it's Kree, I'll explain my evidence, both good and ehh, for both theories.

Both theories are actually using some of the same evidence to try and prove themselves true. Both the Atlanteans' and the Krees' main race have blue colored skin. Both have members of their race that have pinkish human colored skin. Both have an unusual looking language. The lines on the Blue Man's chest could be used as supporting evidence towards either race for different reasons. Both races have had, or will have, vague or blatant presence in the MCU films.

I'll start with the evidence supporting the Kree theory.

First, the Kree do have blue skin.

Second, the apparent tattoo or scars on the Blue Mans chest are in the same rough shape as a symbol on the chest of the released Ronan the Accuser toy, for the Gaurdians of the Galaxy film. 
If it is the same symbol, or a common symbol, then the Blue Man could potentially be linked with Ronan the Accuser, making it a Kree, but I think it's still a stretch as when I compared the two symbols they only looked vaguely similar to me. 

GH325, the weird serum that Skye and Coulson were both injected with to heal them had negative effects for Coulson, but not for Skye. This may suggest that since Coulson is Human and couldn't deal with the mental strain of the serum, Skye is not, seeing as she didn't have any of the same harsh effects, whereby she would need memory implants to help keep her in a positive mental state, like Coulson. This would suggest, since she was able to take the serum so well, she already has some form of Kree or Kree-like DNA within her. This could suggest one of two things. She is an Inhuman, a group of advanced humans created by the Kree, who live on the moon, or she is flat out a pink skinned Kree. Very iffy and a stretch based loosely on assumptions, but who knows.
Lastly we have the Chloe Bennet statement saying that the Blue Man is in fact Kree, but perhaps it's not true.

Time for the Evidence supporting my Atlantean theory.

Atlanteans' do have blue skin.  As well as having blue skin they have been depicted, in the comics as having whitish colored lines all over their bodied, suggesting the lines on the Blue Man may be the same lines. 

Next, what kind of liquid is the Blue Man suspended in? It looks like just plain old water as there are bubbles rising to the top of the container. If it is water then there is something "fishy" about the body of the Blue Man. I looked up what makes a dead body float or sink in water and here is what I found. 
The link explains that a body will either sink or float. What won't happen is the body staying buoyant within the body of water, like the Blue Man. This suggests to me that there is something else about the body that is not making it sink or rise to touch the top or bottom of the glass of the container. Of course perhaps out of the frame there may be some kind of support for the body we can't see, but even if there is some form of support holding the Blue Man's torso in place, that doesn't explain the position of the head and limbs. If Shield is keeping the Blue Man "alive", so to speak, to get the GH325 and other serums, then the arms and maybe the head should be dangling down at its sides. The point is that the body is just simply not following the norm of what happens to a body while it is in a water like liquid. This leads me to think that maybe, if the Blue Man is Atlantean, their bodies react differently to water than ours. Otherwise, their dead bodies would have been rising to the surface of the oceans since the dawn of their existence and humanity would know they exist in the MCU already.

Next there have been hints to the Submariner in the Ironman movies and the Avengers film. This comes in the form of a company called Oracle, which is owned by the Submariner.  It should also be noted that this is an actual company in the real world and i'm sure they loved the idea of their name being in the films.  Its owner even got a cameo in the film.  This is a suggestion that the Submariner and his fellow Atlanteans are present in the MCU, we just haven't 
seen them yet.
Next is a couple of maps that have been presented in the MCU, which both are showing dots on a map of the globe. One was in "Ironman 2" and the other was in "Agents of Shield."  Both have a dot in the middle of the Atlantic which suggests that Shield, or perhaps just Fury, is aware of the Atlanteans, and is keeping a close eye on them.  The dot behind Tony Starks head there is the approximate location of Namor's Solitary Palace, while the dot in front of Agent Hand, in the Situation Room, is the exact location of Atlantis.  This means that Shield has to be very aware of the Atlanteans'.

The next potential link comes from both Agents of Shield and the new Captain America film. The ship, the Lemurian Star, is referenced in AoS and seen in Cap 2. The name of this ship may potentially reference the Lemurians, which are an offshoot of the Atlanteans that live in the Indian Ocean and feud with the Atlanteans from time to time. If so, that may suggest that Shield knows about them, or is perhaps in knowledge based agreements with them. By any means it's a connection that could suggest why shield has an Atlantean body in an underground bunker.

The last thing that may support the Atlantean theory is GH325. Let's say Skye is an illegitimate child of an Atlantean, perhaps Namor, making her an 0.8.4., then she would react differently to any healing serum pulled from the Blue Man, compared to a normal human, Coulson. Also, seeing as she has not exhibited any of the powers that the Kree would likely have, it's a strong indicator that perhaps any powers she received from the serum may be ones that are hard to create a scenario for. Say, breathing under water, controlling marine life, fast swimming....

In providing the evidence to support the possibility of the Blue Man being an Atlantean or a Kree, there are also plenty of holes in both theories that could point away from him being either of them. I'm going to go over a couple of them.  I'll start with the holes in my Atlantean theory.

First, where are the ears. Atlanteans have pointed ears. The Blue man does not.

Most Atlanteans that are depicted with the white lines on their bodies have them all over it, not just in a small spot.

Now for the holes in the Kree theory.

If you look on the Blue Man's stomach, below the marking of lines, it looks like he has four letters/symbols on it. If you zoom in on these letters with enough resolution you can tell that none of them match the letters/symbols on the chalkboard in the episode "Eye Spy". If we are assuming that those chalkboard letters are Kree, as I have read on line, then there is a good chance that the letters on the Blue Man are not Kree, making him not Kree.

So?  What do you think?  Is Chloe telling the truth?  Could the Blue Man be Atlantean?  I'd like to know what others think about it… lemme know…

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hydra, gatherers of tech...

So, I was watching the trailer for the next episode of AoS, Providence, and I noticed something interesting.  In the trailer it looked like Garrett was using the Hydra weapon that the team found in Peru, in episode 2, 0-8-4.  At the end of the episode they had taken the weapon to the "slingshot" to be destroyed, but it looks like it wasn't.  I'm thinking that many of the technologies, whether created by Hydra or not, have been gathered together for them to use for their own gain.  Other examples of this are Loki's scepter, which was seen at the end of the new Cap film being used by Baron Von Strucker, who is Hydra, the Extremis formula, which has been utilized a lot in the show, and Gamma technology, perhaps from Hulks blood from "The Incredible Hulk, which was used in Centipede's Extremis formula.

So, perhaps this will be a recurring theme and many of the technologies we have seen throughout the films and the show may reappear, being utilized by Hydra.  Things like Whiplash's whips from "Ironman 2", tech created from the Destroyer, like the gun Coulson shot Loki with in "The Avengers", the Gravitonium that was stored away in a secret vault on the show, the Berserker Staff, also from the show, or many types of Chitauri tech like Item 47, or the Neural Link from the beginning of the season, or perhaps some that we don't even know about.

I'm hoping that we see some of these technologies come back and bring some interesting characters with them. Perhaps even some cameos from the members of the Avengers.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What could HAMCUFFS stand for????

So… this is my blog page H.A.M.C.U.F.F.S.  I'd like it to be a place where people can come together and talk about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I can't seem to come up with a good acronym for HAMCUFFS.  The only part I know has to be there is Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The rest of the blog title I need a little help on…. So, I figured anyone who wants to try and come up with a cool acronym for me to use, post it and it just might be what I use for the title of this blog…., but it has to end up being HAMCUFFS and it has to be appropriate….